Digital Design
After earning my BA in Communications and Graphic Design I went on to work for a large cargo airline doing Strategic Communications work which included multi-media campaigns filled with writing, planning, photography, graphic design and implementation. Most recently, I am enjoying working in higher ed doing Marketing and Communications at an Art Museum. Throughout my whole career I have always done consulting, design, photography and projects on the side especially for causes or subjects I am most passionate about!
Awarded the International Association of Business Communicators highest international award the Gold Quill Award of Excellence for Brand Development with the ABX Air, Inc. Logo. Designed various icons and logos for small businesses and non profits throughout the years.
Web Pages
Jenny’s Mid Mod Shop (Web Project in process)
Prize Package Farm (Web Project in process)
Robin Robinson Artist (Web Project in process)
Online Brochure
Client wanted an online sharable brochure with images and titles.
Designed, edited and produced a hyper-local lifestyle magazine called the Salt Magazine. Editor and designer for issues 1-5. Online editor through 2012.
In my full-time roles I have edited and published employee newsletters and a visual arts magazine.